Untitled Dear friend,

You’ve taught me a lot.

You will never stop being my best friend.

In my new life in Amsterdam, you and I went on slacklining, made and ate dumplings, drank coffee (thanks to you, I started drinking filter), made foolish jokes in a German biergarten, walked around multiple European cities, played a cover of ‘Pes Patron’ on the piano together, went to the first museum for me in the Netherlands (I still haven’t gone anywhere else), and even visited a concentration camp together (on a tourist tour, of course).

You and I never biked to the sea, we never went to a rock climbing wall, we never hiked in Italy, and I never finished watching Atlanta (which we started watching together, and you finished it without me).

But with this pile of words, I just want to say to you: thank you for being with us. You wouldn’t believe how many pictures of you I’ve looked at just by scrolling through my feed, how many things my coworkers and friends have written about you, how many words I’ve heard about you these days.

I know these past weeks have not been easy for you. Thank you for coming to see me on April 28th, thank you for the brunches where we ate deruny together, thank you for the walks around the city.

You will never stop being my best friend.

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