👀 AOT and JIT compilation


  • PyPy: compile the most frequent code
  • Translate some code to LLVM (Numba). then compile it


  • Python C-API: Writing code in C/C++/Rust and making an interface understandable for CPython
  • Cython (uses C-API of Python interpreter)
  • Numba can do AOT

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[1]: %timeit -n100 X.dot(Y)

148 µs ± 6.04 µs per loop

🐍 Python: multiprocessing/multithreading

🐍 Python: threadingmultiprocessing/multi

🐍 thonPy: multi/multithreading/processing


  • Process is a launched program
  • Every process has isolated resources:
    • virtual memory space
    • pointer to execution place
    • call stack
    • system resources, e.g. file descriptors
  • Alternative: a thread


  • Threads are executed independently
  • Threads are executed inside some process and can share memory space and system resources
  • Managed by OS

Concurrency vs. Parallelism


Regular stuff

import math
def integrate(f, a, b, *, n_iter=1000):
... acc=0
... step=(b-a)/n_iter
... for i in range(n_iter):
...     acc += f(a + i * step) * step
... return acc
>>> integrate(math.cos, 0, math.pi / 2) 1.0007851925466296
>>> integrate(math.sin, 0, math.pi) 1.9999983550656637


from functools import partial
def integrate_faster(f, a, b, *, n_jobs, n_iter=1000):
    executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_jobs)
    spawn = partial(executor.submit, integrate, f, 
                    n_iter=n_iter // n_jobs)
        for i in range(n_jobs)]
    return sum(f.result() for f in as_completed(fs))
>>> integrate_faster(math.cos, 0, math.pi / 2, n_jobs=2) 1.0003926476775074
>>> integrate_faster(math.sin, 0, math.pi, n_jobs=2) 1.9999995887664657


In [1]: timeit -n100
   ...: integrate_faster(math.cos, 0, math.pi / 2,
   ...:                 n_iter=10**6,
   ...:                 n_jobs=2)
100 loops, best of 3: 283 ms per loop
In [3]: cython
...: from libc.math cimport cos
...: def integrate(f, double a, double b, long n_iter):
...: #             ^
   ...:     cdef double
   ...:     cdef double
   ...:     cdef long i
   ...:     with nogil:
   ...:         for i in range(n_iter):
   ...:             acc += cos(a + i * step) * step
   ...:     return acc
In [3]: timeit -n100
   ...: integrate_faster(math.cos, 0, math.pi / 2,
   ...:                 n_iter=10**6, n_jobs=4)
100 loops, best of 3: 7.95 ms per loop

>>> import multiprocessing as mp
>>> p = mp.Process(target=countdown, args=(5, )) >>> p.start()
>>> 4 left
3 left
2 left
1 left
0 left
>>> p.name, p.pid
('Process-2', 65130)
>>> p.daemon
>>> p.join()
>>> p.exitcode

>>> def ponger(conn):
...     conn.send("pong")
>>> parent_conn, child_conn = mp.Pipe() >>> p = mp.Process(target=ponger,
... args=(child_conn, )) >>> p.start()
>>> parent_conn.recv()
>>> p.join()


from joblib import Parallel, delayed
def integrate_faster(f, a, b, *, n_jobs, n_iter=1000, backend=None):
    step = (b - a) / n_jobs
    with Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,
                  backend=backend) as parallel: 
        fs = (delayed(integrate)(a + i * step,
                  a + (i + 1) * step,
                  n_iter=n_iter // n_jobs) 
              for i in range(n_jobs))
    return sum(parallel(fs))

🏁 Any questions?

Stuff to discuss

  • how to stay sane
  • practical deep learning
  • course work
  • exam

Useful links

In case you know something interesting, don’t hesitate to ping me!


  1. Luciano Ramalho, Fluent Python, 1st edition, 2015.
  2. David M. Beazley, Brian K. Jones, Python Cookbook, 3rd edition, 2013.


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